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Greater Newburyport

Bar Association

2025 Schedule



Thursday, January 30, Estate, Gift & Income Tax Issues for Family Lawyers, Newburyport & Streaming. 


Our tax experts share the tax considerations of alimony and child support; dependency exemptions; child tax credits; explore all types of income required on Financial Statements and; provide a close look at IRC 401 as well as at the marriage income tax penalty.


Attend and learn:

  • Impact of the TCJA on alimony, dependency exemptions and child tax credits

  • What are child tax credits and how to use them in negotiation

  • How best to draft language re: dependency exemptions and child tax credits in a separation agreement

  • How to appropriately report different types of income and assets on Financial Statements

  • How to recognize business deductions and which are related to employment

  • When the marriage income tax penalty applies

  • Are obligations of the decedent pursuant to a divorce decree, a debt of the decedent or an estate tax transfer


Our Experts:

Leo J. Cushing, Esq., CPA, LLM, Cushing & Dolan, PC, Waltham

Claire K. Forkner, Esq., Lee & Rivers LLP, Boston

Thomas J. Taranto, Esq, CFL, Law Office of Thomas Taranto, PC, Salem


To Register:


Thursday, February 27, Flying High: Litigating Addiction Issues in Family L a w ,  Newburyport & Streaming.

Sponsored by Soberlink


The focus is on how to proceed when substance use issues are present in a child custody case or child protection matter. Due to lack of understanding about addiction, courts often impose conditions and interventions that are contrary to best practices and addiction research. Uninformed court responses can destabilize parent-child relationships, negatively impact coparenting, and unwittingly harm family systems. Practical science-informed tips will also be provided for attorneys to use when navigating these challenging cases. A former judge and attorneys will discuss litigation and mediation tips.

Our sponsor, Soberlink will also address how to prevent tampering with their system.


Attend and Learn:

  • What is the neuroscience behind drug use

  • How to identify three (3) strategies to maintain a parent-child relationship in the context of parental substance use disorder

  • How to set realistic expectations, effectively manage returns to substance use, and implement safeguards to protect children and parents

  • How to handle addiction issues in litigation

  • Preparing your client for a GAL investigation involving addiction issues.


Expert Panel

  • Attorney Eric Schutzbank, Chair/Moderator, Berid & Schutzbank, LLC, N. Andover

  • Dr. Stephanie Tabashneck, Psy.D., JD, Licensed Psychologist, Director, CLBB Neurolaw Library; Senior Fellow, Law and Applied Neuroscience Center for Law, Brain and Behavior at Harvard Medical School; Petrie Flom-Center at Harvard Law School

  • Hon. Randy Kaplan, ret., Ligris, Newton

  • Attorney Rosanne P. Klovee, Stoneham

  • Attorney Jennifer M. Lamanna, Charlestown

  • Mike Fonesca, Soberlink


To register:


Thursday, March 27, Valuation Roundtable with the Experts, Newburyport

​Attend and learn from 4 Valuation Experts who discuss some of the most difficult issues in their field and their various approaches to resolving them. 

  • Personal Goodwill & Valuation, David Consigli

    How to define personal goodwill; why it is important in the context of a divorce; how to determine the impact in a transaction; how to differentiate personal goodwill from key-person discount; and where personal goodwill is likely to be present.

  • Income Approach, Marc Bello

    How an income approach works, diving into the components and key characteristics that drive this method of valuation; how personal goodwill and double dip concepts intersect with an income approach; why valuation experts can come up with different valuation for the same company under an income approach.  

  • Double Dip, Pamela Oliver 

    What is the concept of “double dip” and its meaning in the context of divorce, asset division and support; how to identify potential “double dip” situations; how to recognize key factors in determining whether a “double dip” has occurred; how to evaluate the financial impact focusing on fairness and equitable distribution 

  • Equity Based Compensation, Kimberley Train

How to use equity compensation as a vehicle to incentivize employees; what can be included as equity compensation; what are the attributes of the different forms of compensation; how to effectuate a fair and equitable division.


Our Experts

  • Marc Bello, Managing Director, Willamette Management Associates

  • David Consigli, Jr., CPA, ABV, CDFA, Partner, FAZ Forensics

  • Pamela Rae Oliver, CPA/ABV, CDFA, MAFF, Partner, Director of Business Valuation & Litigation Support, DiSanto Priest & Co.

  • Kimberley A. Train, CPA, ABV, Partner, PKF O’Connor Davies

  • Gary O. Todd, Todd & Weld, Moderator


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